Streamline workflows as your team grows

As teams grow it is harder to keep track and manage expenses. aio* is a great solution for growing businesses with decentralised spending cultures. We make sharing credit cards, hunting for lost receipts, submitting expense reports & waiting for reimbursement a thing of the past.


How it works

Give an aio* card to each team member.

Employees can use aio* MasterCards online, in shops and at ATMS for a variety of expenses from office equipment to conference tickets of coffess with clients etc. Because they are in charge of their card and spend there is no need to rely on someone else to make bookings or wait for a manager to be available with a shared card.

Preapprove budgets to stay in control & remain flexible

With spend limits preapproved, you stay in control of budgets and there are no unexpected end-of-month surprises. It gives staff better clarity of spend expectations and makes it easier to stay within budget & policy. Requests can also be submitted and reviewed on the go with instant fund transfer in case your team needs additional funds whilst travelling.

Track and manage all spend centrally

Your staff can purchase securely and simply for business without losing track of total spend. As they travel they can use the mobile app to keep spend up to date (adding receipts and tagging purchases). This means you can stay on top of  spend in real time with detailed transaction summaries and your staff are happier as they don’t need to spend time on unnecessary admin submitting expense reports and waiting to be reimbursed.